right & self-governance



i the woman, i the man have the unalienable triune God-given right to my property


i the woman, i the man choose to self govern, to govern myself

protection of property

the primary role of any government is to protect the people and their property. the militia [people] is organized on the county, state, and confederate.

a county populates & organizes from the people its own well-trained militia, to perform the functions of protection of its people and to coordinate a community response in times of emergency, natural disasters, etc.

common law common to the triune God’s biblical law

american common law courts are under the purview of the land jurisdiction and the public biblical law: Geneva Bible, circa 1560.  These courts & officers are populated by the qualified men and women of the county who participate in the closed jural assembly. trial by a jury of one’s peers is included as a option for remedy of a trespass of right of an american woman and/or an american man

qualified men and women volunteer to be jurors to provide the people of our county with this option.  a true american may decide to step up & serve her or his community, taking the steps to qualify will populate the jury pool committee in the closed jural assembly

liberty of travel – domestic

men and women may purchase regulation Z plates for one’s conveyance, unless he or she are using the conveyance for commercial purposes. here is the link for the z plates. https://asnplatesandmore.us/

liberty of travel – international

an american may travel unencumbered internationally

taxation liability information

an american who does not work for the federal government or is not a dependent of someone who works for the federal government, does not receive income from federal sources, so does not owe federal income tax

you can also submit a W4V to your employer to exempt you (& them) from paying federal income tax to the IRS.

owing of private property

an american national now truly owns their land outright, rather than being legally considered a tenant on the land under title (ie. belonging to the British Crown)

research the chain of title for your property & also obtain the original land grant and/or land patent dating back to the time of the purchase of the land from the american government. after completing the land patent process, which includes other documents, you will record the documents on jefferson county recording office. this secures your property right as a liberated woman or liberated man of the land

land jurisdiction document recording & publication

jefferson county is available to an american to record documents that are required to be recorded & published on the public record; this includes declaration and notice or any other land jurisdiction documents that require public recording & publication on the land jurisdiction.

private business protection

an american national may transition his or her business from engaging in public commerce in the private corporate world (Sea & AIR Jurisdiction) to a family-owned private entity conducting trade (land jurisdiction)

keeping the peace, upholding the public biblical law

we the people on the land have the respond ability to uphold the public biblical law & keep the peace

we are the lawful men and women on the land to uphold public common law common to the triune God’s biblical law to find honorable remedy for the controversy of wrong, harm, true harm, trespass, and true trespass.

continuing education

an american chooses continuing education as part & parcel of her or his self-governance

there are more things to learn about such as our american history, to help you become more informed & more at liberty and to exercise your right & respond ability as an american

a liberated & educated society is a peaceful society!

greg paul & jon the sovereign’s way